domingo, 29 de marzo de 2020

From Monday March 30th to Friday April 3rd

Hello, pupils of the 6th level. This is the last week of class before Easter holidays!
I leave to you the work for this week. As I did before, it is separated in lessons. For any extra materials (notes, explainations...) click on the corresponding lesson link (see bar on the right).
I hope to see you soon in class.
Teacher Merche.

Hola, alumnos de 6º curso. ¡Esta es la última semana de clase antes de las vacaciones de Semana Santa!
Os dejo el trabajo para esta semana. Como hice anteriormente, está separada por lecciones. Para los materiales extra (apuntes, explicaciones...) haced click en los correspondientes enlaces “Lesson” (ver la barra de la derecha).
Espero veros pronto en clase.
Seño Merche.

(6ºA, 6ºC: Monday March 30th 2020; 6ºB Tuesday March 31st)

(6ºA: Thursday April 2nd; 6ºB: Wednesday April 1st; 6ºC: Monday March 30th)
Open your book on page 50. 

Activity 1) Watch the video (or listen to the following audio); then answer the questions.

*(If you can watch the video in activity 2, it's ok; if you can't, it just explains that we use "did" after the "wh-pronouns", that is, after the interrogative pronouns).

Activity 3) Read the questions and answer; then listen and check (please, copy the questions on your notebook).

(6ºA, 6ºB: Thursday April 2nd; 6ºC: Tuesday March 31st)

(6ºA: Friday April 3rd; 6ºB: Thursday April 2nd; 6ºC: Tuesday March 31st)
Page 51; activities 2 and 3.
Activity 2: Read and listen. Copy the new words (see LESSON 4 in the bar on the right).
Activity 3: Copy and complete the missing words. (Notice: it says "Copy").

(6ºA, 6ºB: Friday April 3rd; 6ºC: Wednesday April 1st)

 LESSON 6 is to check and solve doubts and questions.