Page 67 on your book.
Activity 3: Make questions and answers.//Haz preguntas y responde.
- Are you going to see your relatives? Yes, I'm going to visit my cousins.
- Are you going to help at home? Yes, I'm going to make my bed/tidy my bedroom/lay the table/wash the dishes...//No, I'm not. (ejem...)
- Are you going to do any sport? Yes, I'm going to swim/play basketball.../No, I'm not. I'm going to have a rest.
- Are you going to visit any interesting places? Yes, I am/No, I'm not./I don't think so.
- Are you going to go on holiday? Yes, I am, but I'm not going to travel abroad/I'm going to travel to...(Greece/USA...)
- Are you going to get up at 10 o'clock? Yes, I am//No, I am no, I'm going to wake up early to go to the beach.
- Are you going to practice English? Yes, I am//No, I am not.
- Are you going to read any books? Yes, I am, because I like reading/No, I am not, because I hate reading.
From Monday 8th to Friday 12th
Page 64
1.- Listen and read; then look and match.//Escucha y lee; luego mira y asocia.
- Funciona cono el verbo to be (no necesita el auxiliar "do" para negar ni preguntar).
- Detrás necesita otro verbo que se pone en infinitivo sin "to".
E.G.: You should practice sport.=Deberías practicar deporte.
You shouldn't waste your time.=No deberías malgastarel tiempo.
Page 64
2.- Read, choose and say which one is the good advice.//Lee, elige y di cuál es el aviso/consejo bueno.
From June 1st to June 5th
Read and change to the affirmative or negative form.//Lee y cambia a la forma afirmativa o negativa.
WRITING ACTIVITY. Activity Book page 48 n. 3.
Look at page 60 on your Student's Book (activity 3). Then put the words in order and answer "Yes, he/she is" or "No, he/she isn't".//Mira en la página 60 de tu libro (actividad 3). Luego pon las palabras en orden y responde "Yes, he/she is" o "No, he/she isn't".
From May 18th to May 22nd
Activity Book page 47 activity 2. Look and complete./Mira y
Activity Book page 47 activity 3. Look and write./Mira y escribe.
From May 11th to May 15th
(Activity Book page 45 activity 2)
Look and write. Please use your blue pen to copy and your pencil to write your answers./Mira y escribe. Por favor, utiliza tu boli azul para copiar y tu lápiz para escribir las respuestas.
(Activity Book page 45 activity 2)
Look and write. Please use your blue pen to copy and your pencil to write your answers./Mira y escribe. Por favor, utiliza tu boli azul para copiar y tu lápiz para escribir las respuestas.
From May 4th to May 8th
Listening activity.
Listen and write./Escucha y escribe.
SOLUTIONS (April 20th to April 24th)
El apartado 3 admite muchas respuestas correctas, por eso no pongo ninguna. A los que ya me la habéis entregado os la he corregido. Algunos habéis sido muy listos y habéis copiado un fragmento de la actividad del día anterior... ¡Hum! Me alegro por vuestra capacidad para resolver situaciones rápidamente. A eso también hay que aprender en esta vida (y no se estudia en ningún libro).
HAVE A NICE WEEKEND!/ ¡Que paséis buen fin de semana!
SOLUTIONS (April 14th to April 17th)
Page 49 activity 3:
- False
- True
- False
- True
- True
- False
- True
- False
Questions and answers:
(There are multiple solutions. Here you have some).
- What did she do/watch on Monday? She watched a documentary.
- When did she talk to an archaeologist? She talked to an archaeologist on Tuesday. /Who did she talk to on Tuesday?/What did se he do on Tuesday?
- What did she visit/do on Wednesday? She visited a website about Romans.
- Where did she go on Thursday?/When did she go to a castle? She went to a castle on Thursday.
- When did she write her project?/What did she do on Friday? She wrote her project on Friday.
- What did he read on Monday? He read a book called “Roman recipes”.
- When did he watch a documentary?/What did he do on Tuesday? He watched a documentary on Tuesday.
- Who did he talk to (on the phone) on Wednesday? He talked to his uncle.
- Where did he go on Thursday? He went to the museum.
- What did he write on Friday? He wrote his project on Friday.