domingo, 22 de marzo de 2020

From Monday March 23rd to Friday March 27th

Hello, pupils of the 6th level!
Here I leave you the work for this week. As you know, we used to have six lessons per week. I have numbered each one and I have left the last one for checking, correcting and solving doubts and questions you may have.
Take care yourselves.
Teacher Merche.

¡Hola, alumnos de 6º curso!
Aquí os dejo el trabajo de esta semana. Como sabéis, solíamos tener seis sesiones por semana. He numerado cada una y he dejado la última de ellas para revisar, corregir y resolver las dudas y preguntas que podáis tener.
Seño Merche.

(6ºA: Monday 23rd; 6ºB: Tuesday 24th; 6ºC: Monday 23rd)

(6ºA: Thursday 26th; 6ºB: Wednesday 25th; 6ºC: Monday 23rd)
Start Unit 5: “Ancient Rome” (“La antigua Roma”).
(6ºA: Thursday 26th; 6ºB: Thursday 26th; 6ºC: Tuesday 24th)
Worksheet (AB 38). Activities 1 & 2.
To do activity 1 you need to remember the following: use “there is” for the singular, and “there are” for the plural.
(6ºA: Friday 27th; 6ºB: Thursday 26th; 6ºC: Tuesday 24th)
Open your book on page 49 activities 1 & 2. Take notes of the new words and expressions on the text. (Click on “Lesson 4” on the right).
(6ºA: Friday 27th; 6ºB: Friday 27th; 6ºC: Wednesday 25th)
Open your book on page 49 activity 3 (listen to the audio).

Writing Activity: Look at the table on activity 3 and write ten questions and ten answers about Stella and Anton (it isn’ too much: you can see two already done in the example on your book 😉).
(6ºA, 6ºB, 6ºC: Friday 27th)
Check and ask doubts. Do it as comments (click below).